Discover the magic of Swasthya Santulan System, Secrets to achieve your Dream Body Without Gym, Pills, Crash Diets.
120 Minutes
Friday 8 pm
Free Bonuses Worth 3000/-
Access To premium community
Your recent blood tests / health package shows multiple bold red indicators.
Your health scorecard is static or going negative despite your sincere efforts.
You noticed that your kids are also overweight for the kids of similar age and are low on activity.
You are deeply concerned for the health of family members and not finding a way forward.
You took charge at times, had started and also lost a few kgs but immediately gained even more over a short period.
You tried GYM, Health supplements, Crash diets, Multiple health courses, Workouts for good health adding bills to your pocket but no effective results.
You have a family history of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid issues but you are committed to changing your family history for upcoming generations.
Lost 28 kgs and discovered the Swasthya Santulan System on the journey.
Almost 23 years of experience as a healthcare professional.
Almost 16 years of experience as a Radiologist.
Worked at premier institutes of India - AIIMS, New Delhi, Pt BD Sharma, PGIMS, Rohtak Haryana and Others.
Professionally helped lakhs of souls in their journey to health.
Chronic Lifestyle disease: what are they, incidence and how do we get these?
Secrets to achieve your Dream Body & Weight?
Why do GYMs fail?
Deep rooted causes of our present health?
Right Health Mindset.
Detailed Q & A.
Way to transform your health!
Special gifts and bonuses.
The webinar will start at 8 pm sharp.
Yes! Webinar will be mainly in our mother tongue “HINDI” however, few technical and medical words and at times English will also be used.
No recordings and replays of the webinar.
Working professionals, Entrepreneurs, People with chronic lifestyle diseases, even homemakers provided they are well versed with zoom, laptop and are ready to transform health.
The webinar will have multiple sections which are all interlinked and will highlight all the promises made to you with a detailed Q&A at the end along with multiple gifts for you as well.
It’s A FREE workshop to benefit you all and transform your health.
Yes, all your queries will be taken up at the end along with the surprise gifts as well.